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ABIX HiperSIM* is a game-changer in the world of processor architecture simulation.

Unlike traditional simulators, our product offers a unique feature that sets it apart – it can be effortlessly re-targeted to different processor architectures, thanks to our innovative HiperGEN generator tool.

Versatile and Customizable

Are you in search of a powerful and adaptable instruction set simulator? Look no further! The ABIX HiperSIM framework provides you with all facilities and vantages.

Unmatched Flexibility

The HiperSIM simulator can be retargeted to virtually any processor architecture (including 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit, HW-threading, etc. general purpose, embedded and DSP processors), making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Cost and Time Efficiency

Save time and resources by leveraging our pre-built framework, which eliminates the need to start from scratch with each new processor architecture.

Consistency Across Variants

We provide a comprehensive simulator framework with a set of generic features that are incorporated into every generated HiperSIM simulator product. This ensures that all HiperSIM  product variants benefit from the same set of features.

HiperGEN Generator Tool

A powerful generator tool processes the instruction set description of the target processor architecture and generates a HiperSIM simulator tailored to your specific needs.


The amount of hours it takes to generate an initial simulator for a specific target based on an available instruction set description – including a fully unit tested, verified, ready-to-use release build for the requested host system.

Ensuring Reliability

We understand the critical importance of a reliable instruction set simulator. To guarantee the highest quality, our generated simulator tools undergo rigorous testing.

Automated Unit Tests

The verification process is powered by a suite of automatically generated unit tests that comprehensively cover the entire instruction set of the respective target processor.

Accuracy and Precision

Our unit tests leave no room for ambiguity, ensuring that the simulator faithfully emulates the behavior of the target processor.


Automated testing reduces human error and allows for quick and repeatable verification, saving valuable development time.

Feedback Loop

Feedback from the verification process is used to continuously refine and enhance the simulator, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of accuracy and performance.

Customer Confidence

Our commitment to quality assurance through automated testing gives you the confidence to rely on our simulator tools for your critical projects.

Real-World Scenarios

The unit tests are designed to simulate real-world usage scenarios, including edge cases and complex instructions.

Quality Assurance

Verification through automated unit tests is a crucial step in ensuring the quality and reliability of our simulator tools.

Add the HiperSIM plug-in to your Eclipse IDE C/C++ development environment and debug without the need of target hardware but with all benefits of the Eclipse CDT debug views and utilities.

Parallelize your unattended CI/CD production code testing using the multi-instance capable HiperSIM simulator.

Use an automated test system like Razorcat TESSY® to automate the whole unit test cycle including regression testing.

Lauterbach Development Tools

Lauterbach is the leading manufacturer of complete, modular and upgrade able microprocessor development tools. The unified and configurable user interface and architecture-independent base modules support almost all of the available processor architectures in the market today. Thanks to this modular concept, the debug system can be optionally extended with off-chip trace functions. TRACE32® tools are applied early in the pre-silicon phase for virtual prototyping and provide seamless transition to all follow-up phases throughout the development process until mass production.

Solid Sands Testsuites

Solid Sands is the world-leading provider of verification and qualification technology for C and C++ compilers and libraries. 

Our mission is to make the world a safer place. Our products support companies to achieve both the highest quality objectives and the most up-to-date functional safety standard requirements. By creating the best possible test suites for C and C++ compilers, libraries, and analysis tools, we are at the forefront of software testing and qualification. Our flagship products include SuperTest, the most comprehensive compiler test and validation suite, and SuperGuard, a library safety qualification suite. With industry partners worldwide, we serve leading and innovative semiconductor, IP and security companies, as well as safety-critical software companies in the automotive, robotics, railway and medical industries. 

Robimo Development Services

Robimo, a spin off from the University of Vienna, is a software service provider and creates research based, modern software products. As basis we cover the areas of web development (full stack, frameworks include e.g. symfony, wordpress, typo3, react, phonegap, etc.), virtual and augmented reality projects for education, training, entertainment, etc., artificial intelligence and machine learning (our main competence is image analysis and object detection), and unmanned aerial vehicles (aka drones). We can combine these areas in integrated products, applications include building maintenance in industrial areas, energy providers, media production (movies and commercials), medical organizations, car manufacturers, etc.