Animated Countdown
The animated countdown allows you to set a date in the future and display a block of numbers that is counting down each second, minute or hour.
The element got several predefined styles that you can choose from such as a default style or transparent light or dark styles that work well when used above images or colourful content.
Below you can see a countdown element inside a content column with a light blue background. The countdown is set to display as white and transparent.
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Haasgasse 7, Top 2
1020 Vienna
48.22190661113064, 16.372745345979176
Gewerbe: Dienstleistungen in der automatischen Datenverarbeitung
Magistratisches Bezirksamt Wien für den 1. und 8. Bezirk
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 395687v, Handelsgericht Wien
UID: ATU67890008
Mitglied der WKÖ Fachgruppe UBIT
Our office hours
Mo-Fr: 9:00-17:00
Sa/Su: closed